Outline in gSender - way to cancel

New to gSender. I think I like it.
I loaded a file and tried out the Outline function.
I looked for a way to stop/pause it as I wasn’t sure about the file I had loaded.
I presume there is a shortcut available, but it would be nice to have a red button similar to those shown on the job run screen.

Hi @KeithH great feedback, and we’re glad you’re liking gSender so far :smiley:

Right now it’s not very obvious so we’re working to make it better, but for now if you want to cancel moving during an outline, you can click the ‘stop’ button where the jog buttons are and it will abort it

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It would also be nice to be able to control the speed of the outline

Outline uses G0 for movement, which means the speed is dependent on what you’ve configured your specific axis maximum rate as configured in EEPROM ($110 through $112)

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