Router stops and get Port Disconnected message. Once about 5 min into a 10 min job, and once at about 20 min into one hour job. LM2.5 with SLB, 3 months old.
@Retiree How are you connecting to the SLB, ethernet or USB?
Has this just started to be a problem?
I have an Altmill, been using it for about 2 months. I have it connected through USB. My computer disconnected 3 times on 3 different jobs last night. I clicked on the reconnect buttons numerous times with no luck. I cycled power on the SLB EXT and seemingly fixed the problem. I ran a program through G-Sender that was about 45min long and made it through without stoping. I don’t think it’s the computer since cycling power on the SLB fixed the problem for now. just started happening last night on some fairly short programs.
I am USB-connected. My disconnects more sporadic and random. Have been in contact with Sienci Tech Support and sent them pic’s and diagnostic file, as requested. Have tried several of their suggestions with no luck. They will be signing into my laptop later today - fingers crossed they find and fix the problem. Will provide an update.
well it happened again tonight. couldn’t reconnect again so i rebooted my computer, re-started g-sender and tried to re-connect with no luck. i cycled the power on the SLB-EXT and was able to connect so am thinking the problem lies in the SLB-EXT. Before the problem, i re-connected devices so only the SLB and my mico computer was connected to 1 dedicated line going back to circuit panel for the house…the problem still is happening.
Sienci Tech Support remote accessed my laptop, ran some tests, some commands…decided to ship me a new SLB controller. Will take a few days to arrive, get installed…will provide an update. Good luck on yours.
Have been totally inoperable for a week. Error Code 43 for USB on Windows Device Manager - not able to connect. Replacement Longboard installed, several other “try this” from Tech Support have been tried with no success. Classic finger-pointing: Tech Support says it is a Windows problem, and Windows says contact device manufacturer. Will try remote access by Tech Support as next step.
Hey Retiree,
If the smarties on both sides of the fence are pointing, its time to look at what they’re pointing at.
I personaly wouldn’t have it that I got stuck between help lines because I know something is going to give and for the love of bacon, I will eat it myself!
So, both sides are pointing at USB. As far as I know, the SLB has the option to connect via Ethernet. I would look into that.
The SLB has been replaced, though not impossible, it seems unlikely to me both SLB have the same problem, as a unit. Something connected to it might cause the problem, but
I would make sure to get me a good shielded USB cable before I continue, or look into connecting one of the slb’s via the ethernet connector. It’s a cheap test and doesn’t involve too much overhauling. If connecting via ethernet isn’t an option, I would look into replacing the pc with a (temporary) second.
This can be an old laptop or pc you can borrow from wifes, kids, neighbors on wich you are allowed to install gsender on. If you can’t borrow and have nothing lying around, a second hand shop may be able to provide a cheap one that is able to run g-sender. It doesn’t take much of a computer to do so. If it has usb-2 ports, it is prolly powerful enough. It doesn’t hurt to have a back-up pc lying around anyway. I have two of those stocked in a box somewhere in my shop, just for this purpouse.
I would make a check list of things to check
- Check wiring slb - especialy estop and steppers- for lose wires or strains that might short sometimes.
- Usb cable (get a shielded one with filters,on both sides if possible)
- Ethernet option
- pc
- Measure window if longmill will fit when thrown.
I suspect your pc being at fault but cannot rule out any easy fixes, especially the usb cable. Much has prolly been said and done already, but sitting still is sitting still and I get frustrated sitting still.
Appreciate your sense of humour and the practical suggestions. I have been deliberately following Tech Support (TS) instructions and not wandering off on my own. Today, TS could not find the cause, however, as suggested by them, I took the SLB up to my Desktop, connected it, and…no USB errors. Clearly points at the PC. I will not provide any further updates since it seems I am the only one with this issue. Thanks to all. Merry Xmas.
Long story short. Tried to find a laptop from neighbours/friends - no one had one. So, decided to buy a gControl Panel Computer from Sienci. Took a couple months, and after receiving, installing, etc., same problem.
Sienci Tech Support remoted, checked, nothing found. I finally said: SLB has been replaced, PC has been replaced…what about the USB cable? New one shipped, installed and WE HAVE IGNITION!!! Am finally now cutting, learning… Lesson - if in component replacement mode, replace the cheapest component first.