Probe routine runs twice at start of every job

Hi all,
I just switched over to gSender from Carbide Motion on my Shapeoko Pro. Everything about it runs great so far, I’m successfully running my test jobs and getting results.
I’m exporting gcode from VCarve using the Shapeoko Post Processor.

My issue is that ever time I start a job (including rerunning the same job twice), it runs the probe routine for the initial tool (there is a T1 in the gcode near the start). Then it immediately runs the probe routine again because I’m using tool T(not 1), which runs M6 tool-change command, which runs the probe.

Is there a simple step or setting I’m missing?

This is a bit of a pain since I’m still at the stage where most of my work is on < 2minute cuts, since I’m running tests, proof of concepts, etc. With such short jobs, the double probe routine is adding a significant chunk of time to these that I’m trying to run in quick succession.

Do I need to change something in the post-processor? (I haven’t done this before but can do it with the proper links/info). Is there a setting in gSender I’m overlooking?

Thanks in advance!

Can you share a gcode file where this happens?

Hmm, as a new user I can’t upload files apparently.

Here are the first few lines including the M6 tool change command.
The probe routine gets triggered on the very first line (T1), and then again on M6:

M6 T201

@Ternary Welcome to the group. I’ve moved your post. You posted in the UGS category and since you are using gSender, I’ve moved it the gSender question category.

You posted in the UGS category and since you are using gSender, I’ve moved it the gSender question category.

Whoops, sorry about that!

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@Ternary No worries. I believe that it will get more traction here. :grinning:

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I made a hacky attempt here to avoid the double probe by changing the initial T1 to whatever the first tool is that actually gets used in the file (T201 in this case).

This unfortunately does not work.

Further info:
I’m using the Auto Z Plate method using the carbide bitsetter.