Probing bed to flatten

Hey everyone. I just installed GSender last week and have learned a bunch. Never going back to Mach3. Anyway my question is, does Gsender have any part of the software for probing the bed. I just replaced my spoil board this morning. I want to probe the bed to find the high spots. Then I’ll flatten the whole bed.

There isn’t a way to probe like that, at least not yet. If your looking for a way to not take of more than you need read on.

You can set an axis to any value by clicking the number in gSender and using that what I would do is set up the surfacing tool path and set it take off 0.5mm per pass. Then when you set the Z position put the bit anywhere just touching the spoil board and type in -0.5mm for the Z. That way you know your not taking off too much because you’ll just touch in that one spot.

You’ll probably need to do multiple passes unless your lucky enough to pick the lowest spot but it will avoid taking off more than you need. The specific amount to take off can be whatever you want as long as you set set Z to the negative of the pass depth with the bit just touching to board.

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@jpmreno Further to what @_Michael advised, you could always use the touchplate to “probe” the height of various locations on your spoilboard. It would be tedious, but it could be done. You could streamline the process a bit by writing a macro to do the jogging and probing. You would still need to manually record the results, I think.
Maybe @NeilFerreri can prove me wrong with a macro that somehow writes the results to a text file. :grinning:

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