I am fairly new, but not completely. I am installing Sensors on my Longmill3030.
They are not connected to my SLB. I had plugged them in and disconnected after seeing they were placed correctly indicating they were sensing.
Now, my gSender is locked up with an Alarm (10) and will not allow me to do anything.
I made no changes to the firmware and have shit off and turned on the gSender And SLB several times.
When I connect the SLB in hsw see there is no longer a click indicating connection.
Hey Jeff,
According to the alarm list, you might have an e-stop problem, being it badly wired or simply engaged.
Found here:
Thank you Eddie. You are exactly right. The plug had come partially out.
Now, though, my machine is connecting without error but when the power is on on the SLB….the stepper motors in the Z and Y are locked up and won’t respond to commands or allow the shaft to turn freely. I’ll
I am guessing I may have screwed up the firmware somehow???
When the power is turned off…they spin freely and smoothly.
I do not have the “lock stepper motors” turned ion
Willing to try anything.
Thank you for your help
Well, the saying is, problems alway come in 3 so, we’re almost halfway.
To quickly troubleshoot the slb, you could look at what the leds are saying on the slb. It has a lot of leds that can tell you all kinda stuff if you know their language.
Luckely, sienci has provided a list to do just that.
Whenever you encounter problems, its always a god idea to see what the leds are trying to convey, before anything else.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help. I completely understand there’s going to be a huge learning curve and the only way to learn some things is by messing up. Once again, thank you.