Run time/time remaining issue

I have attached the gcode file for this job. It is a simple pocketing and profile cutting toolpath.

I have also attached two screencaps. The first - timevslines - is a point in time when I paused the job to take the screencap. It shows that the job had run for 1h02m, it was 84% complete, but still had 1h02m23secs/4083 lines left to run. It was then that I believed something was wrong in that I didnā€™t see how the job could be 84% done and still have the same amount of time left to run as it had run until then.

The second screencap - timevslines_2 - shows that the job finished 8 minutes later. Total time was 1h10m. There are 0 lines left to run, but the time remaining still shows 1h02m23sec.

I realize that this is not a new issue. I have reported it before. But, this is the first time that I have seen it using gSender 1.4.6.

2-corner_.125DC_pocketsandprofile.gcode (537.6 KB)



Thanks Grant,

I know the team has made some changes to time estimation and Iā€™ve provided a couple files for the Vortex runs too. We may see another release come out next week sometime.

The gSender team got to wire up and run a 4th axis job on the Vortex on Friday, it was amazing to see the Y axis move while running.

Thanks for the feedback, file & screenshots!


Iā€™ve been reading up on 4 axis projects, but have not seen any that did not turn on ā€œhand-madeā€ gcode. How did your team create the gcode for the project? Do you see Sienci offering a plug and play 4th axis package any time soon?

We hand-rolled it from a file exported for A/B axes (I think from Snapmaker Luban) converting them to the actual axes because their rotary is not on Y. Unfortunately the CAM side just isnā€™t there yet for the hobbyist.

Iā€™m not really allowed to definitively say what weā€™re developing but the answer for 4-axis package is ā€œprobably eventuallyā€ once the SLB/Altmill development dust has settled - itā€™s definitely been talked about. Itā€™s relatively low barrier to entry and honesty having a consistent motor driver with a known labelling will go a long way for both support and the customer experience.


@KGN Tks, Kevin. This topic has gotten a bit off track. Iā€™ll take some blame for that and put some on @StephenCampbell for mentioning the Vortex projects that you have been playing with. :grinning:

The run time/time remaining issue is not related to rotary.

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On-topic, we will have a couple tweaks in the next release looking at addressing the outstanding issues with time remaining for both rotary and regular jobs.


I have some more info on the job progress with gSender 1.4.7 on Windows 10.

It seems to really mess up when it recalculates due to a feed override. Here you see I have negative progress and at this rate my job will never finish. :open_mouth:

The next one is just eight seconds from the actual finish of the job.

And here is the Job End stats.

I thought the part about the negative progress might help to narrow down the problem if you havenā€™t already fixed it.