Running on Bookworm (Debian 12)

I’ve tried to run the latest gSender EDGE on a fresh RPi install but have not been successful.

The executive summary:

The deb installs but starting gSender fails with “Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.portal.Settings.Read”.

Trying the AppImage I get “Error while loading shared libraries:”

Any pointers?

I also installed the deb on Debian 11 system and still fails to start.

@tcurdt Welcome to the forum! While I don’t have your answer, I am sure someone here may. Personally, I run my gender on an antique MacBook Pro that maybe on its last leg. I’m interested in what you are up to as your solution could be quite inexpensive and not tie up my design computer. Again, welcome!

Thanks for the warm welcome :slight_smile:

I dug a bit deeper and it seems like I found the/a problem.
I have documented the details in this new issue:

It seems to be just a problem with the build producing some binaries in the wrong architecture.
Electron makes it for a pretty complex setup and I haven’t found the area to fix this yet.

Would be nice to get some pointers from the devs.


I did sow there where a arm64.deb version and a arm64.appimage version so I did buy a pi 5. I should probably read the forum first, ha ha.

Do I understand correct that there still are no working version for pi 64 bit? Or did you get it to work? I was tried but I get same error as you. Did install fuse 2 to but …

Na, it seems like gSender isn’t really much about the community.
In a github issue they talked about arm support coming.
But I wouldn’t hold my breath at this stage.
I don’t think scienci cares much about it.

And they are the only ones working on gSender.

Ohhh, that’s sad. At least I can run Universal G-code Sender on my pi5 meantime and hope Scienci fix the issue.