Sienci Laser won't burn

Hi All,

I used my Sienci Labs laser yesterday with no issues. I try and run a program today and the laser is working but will not actually engrave my wood. I have removed the lens, cleaned, reinstalled, and refocused but it does not help. I am running at 1524 mm/min and 100% power with a G2 lens. I have tried to run the program from Lightburn and Gsender with the same results. This leads me to believe that the issue is with the code but I have not changed any settings or done any updates in the last day or 2 and have used the same settings before very successfully.

Can anyone point me in a different direction to possibly something I am missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated



For some reason, Gsender was changing my max power speeds. When I would change them back to 0 and 255 it would save. The settings screen tells you that it won’t take effect until you toggle spindle/laser mode. When I did that it would reset the numbers to 10000 and 30000. I tried several times to fix but what I finally found was that if you changed the numbers in settings while in LASER mode and then toggled it would reset them but they would remain correct if you changed the numbers while in spindle mode. Strange bug but wanted to pass that on to anyone who may be having the same issue


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@Phildo Thank you for updating this. I’m going to move this to the gSender category. It is likely something that the gSender team at Sienci will want to check out.

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@Phildo are you still experiencing this laser bug on the latest version of gSender, v1.4.10?

Hi Walid,

At the moment I do not have access to my machine. Once I get access again I will verify and let you know

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