Soft limits exceeded

I have a small test job on an Altmill. the job is 90 mm (y) by 150 mm (x). I have homed the mill, positioned the spindle at about 300mm and 300 mm from the front left corner, zeroed x/y/z and tried to start the job as an air cut.
The spindle powers up and, probably as soon as it reaches speed, gSender gives me an alarm 2 - soft error. Gcode motion target exceeds machine travel. I have LOTS of room. The model’s biggest dimension is 150 mm and I have that in every direction.
What am I missing?

Never mind … either a brain wobble or ‘old fart syndrome’

Turns out the spindle was at the highest z and since I had zeroed z, the first thing the job tried to do is lift the spindle … dooohhhhhh