@gwilki @thisoldlight
Yes I want to agree, but I am not giving up, yet.
I have read the entire Scienci website in the last 2 days, and I have watched Andy’s and Chris’ videos and many more… I have been looking for a low-end solution for a long time.
I nearly purchased the fat round bar machine competitor of Sienci, last week.
And this is an 11th hour turn of events for me… months and months of snooping/learning, gathering a slop of incongruent bits and pieces. I have watched 100s of videos… but I am also very busy elsewhere, so until I revisit repeatedly my understanding flies out the mind.
The Sienci website gave me more answers than many other sources… perhaps I am also more versed.
I had been acquainted to the MK1(only new it as the Longmill then) quite a while back, but had not given it the attention it deserves. I was fortunate enough to revisit at the last minute, to find out I should rethink my approach.
From my extensive noob knowledge I have full confidence the MK2 will handle my requirement. I am not doing anything too high-end. …also, not a production scenario.
Though I posted the link to the Wire EDM setup and I also look at high-end level installations, that does not place me in that realm. Too poor for that.
I have now a better feel for what matches my scenario, I know the router can be a weak link and why I have already opted for a spindle.
The only thing that bothers me is that the Sienci new-kid-in-town next to be offered, is near …and I may have to buy twice. I have been gearing my search to make sure to avoid that… though in their videos they stress that the machine itself was built to accept the upgrades coming.
I am also aware of other superior hardware platforms that are a step up from ARDUINO.
I may have to source that separately.
I am grateful to have gotten so many answers so quickly on my post/reply which is not even in its proper thread.
Your comments are very appreciated.