Hello, again with another interesting situation.
I have had an interesting development that I have not come across before. I am running a long mill MK 48 by 30 with a SLB, spindle, and induction sensors all purchased from
Science labs. I am Using Fusion 360 for Cad &Cam and post processing for GRBL to run in version 1.4.11 Gsender. My normal workflow is to set WCS to my left front. I am using Gsender on a HP laptop with a AMD A9 processor at 3.10 GHz running Win10 with 64 bit processing, 8GB ram.
Recently I loaded a simple 2d contour job (window trim piece for a arched window) into G sender, verified it, zeroed my XY and Z on the front left edge of my work piece. I then did an outline to make sure that I was within the work piece area. Once I felt comfortable that all was in place I started the job and lo and behold the C&C did not start the job where I had set my coordinates or where it had just been outlined. It was as if instead of going to the X plus position where it was designated to start the job it went in the Y position and started from there. At first I thought it was an error in setting up my work coordinate systems in fusion 360 so I went back through redrew cad and cam for a fresh file, checked everything posted a new file and the same thing happened it would outline where the C&C would be cutting but when I initiated the job it went down the Y + axis and tried to cut the job in the negative X access. After several attempts I loaded another file that I had run with success and the machine did the same thing it outline where it was supposed to cut on my material but when I initiated the job it would go positive Y direction and try to cut from there in the negative X direction. Any suggestions as to where I can start to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated, unfortunately for me I am not a long-time user and oftentimes when problems come along, I have to rely on those of you who have used these machines, software, and understand the machine code of this much more than myself.
Thank You for taking the time to read through this post and thank You in advance if you have any ideas that you can share as to why this is happening and how to solve it.
So, after making my previous post I was sidetracked for a day before I could get back to focusing on solving my recent query for information. I started by reloading the job that I had issue with and watching what was going on and realized that for whatever reason the X axis was not going to the start position as if it was struggling to get there I think after a few lines of code had passed by it assumed it was at the coordinates it was supposed to be and would start the job running towards the Y axis( It was archway trim piece). I went back through and checked through my settings and noticed that settings 120 and 121 (which is for access acceleration) was set higher than what the default was so I changed them to the default. Reloaded the job set my XY and Z , 0 and ran the job; and it ran perfectly. And of course being the skeptic that I am I ran it twice through the job completely and it ran as expected.
Of course, I’m still such a novice that I don’t understand why it would be able to cover the same distance in the outline mode that Gsender offers on their visualizer and why it wouldn’t when I went to “Start Job” I am assuming it is a different set of code. One is the actual GRBL code from Fusion, and the other for outlining from Gsender?
Of course, the new issue is how did the settings for #120 and 121 get changed? As I do not recall ever changing those numbers. If you have any ideas around this, I’m still learning so any information would be appreciated of course.
The one thing I am realizing as a beginner in the CNC world is that staying consistent while you are learning this practice requires persistent participation on a very regular basis. It has been several weeks since I’ve been able to work on drawings and creating things on CNC and it showed itself running into this issue after being away and all was fine when I left it. My goal would be to be able to practice daily however with life being what it is, it is not always possible but after this last little scenario I am going to have to redouble my efforts! Thanks to all of you who have followed along this little jaunt of mine I do appreciate all of you people who are helping those of us who are just learning.
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