Surface probing

Hi everyone
it’s possible to use surface probing ??

Hello @guido and welcome to the forums.

By surface probing are you talking about probing an object in a grid pattern to get the contours of the object to be carved? I have never done it but I know of some programs that claim to do it.


If that’s not what you mean can you elaborate on your question please?

hello, yes, just that, I have to mill a concave and convex support

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Well I hope one of those will work for you. I think that CNCJS can do it as well. Are you planning on using tin foil to conduct the current or something else?

EDIT: I guess if you have one of those fancy touch probes you don’t need a conductive surface. Not sure what kind of probe you have.

EDIT2: I just looked and it’s an extension for CNCJS that can be found here.

non riesco a scaricare CNCJS