I am in the process of getting my table set up for my MK2. I will be using 3/4" MDF for the first layer table top and 3/4" MDF for the spoil board. I am going to set up the spoil board with T tracks. I am just curious as to whether it would be beneficial or detrimental to have the Longmill mounted at the same surface height as the spoil board (use some of the 3/4" MDF spoil board material)? Obviously one benefit would be the added height capability, and one detriment could possibly be the need to have the Z axis traveling lower than if it was mounted to the first layer of MDF. I am not sure if I have explained this clearly or not. but would welcome any advice offered.
My machine is a MK1 and I’m not sure if the MK1 and MK2 have the same Z travel but I’m guessing the MK2 has the same or more travel than the MK1.
So my machine is mounted to the table surface so the spoil board is higher than the machine mounts by 3/4", decreasing with each resurfacing. My router mount is in the top set of holes with the Makita router currently as low as it can go in the mount, top of mount just below the flange on the router. I just took some measurements and my spoil board is currently 17/32" thick and with a 3" bit in the router as far as it can go. and the Z as high as it can go, I have 3" from the bit to the spoil board.
I could raise the router in the mount by up to 2 and 3/8" if needed. So I guess I could work on a material up to 5" thick leaving 3/8" for safe height with that bit.
I have never tried having MDF under the mounting feet so I can’t compare the two methods but I thought these measurements might help you decide.
@El_Cheapo Welcome back, Neil.
There are pros and cons to both installations. I chose to mount the LM feet on slats of 3/4" MDF so that I get the most Z travel possible. The initial big plus for me was squaring my LM. The MDF slats have slots in them. I used 1/4" bolts up from my table base and through those slots. When I was squaring my LM, it was a simple matter to loosen the bolts, nudge the slat a bit and tighten it back down. This made it very easy to move the Y gantries a very small amount.
If you ever plan to add the Vortex rotary to your set up, you want to mount your feet high. You will need all the Z travel you can get.
Finally for those jobs where I am using a short 1/8" mill to cut the parts out, I put another piece of MDF under the parts to enable the bit cut all the way through.
Don’t do that. Wanted to make sure you don’t copy my mistake.
Thankyou for your reply.
Thank you for your reply.