Tiling - With An Offset

Typically, Tiling is used when a smaller machine needs to make a project that is larger than the machine. I donā€™t do enough large signs to justify a $350 upgrade price to v carve pro AND my machine can do larger than the project I have lined up for it (a 12" x 36" sign). So am calling it tiling in reverse and want to make sure my logic is correct for what I intend to do. A simple v-carve with different size text and a small simple image. My plan is as follows - let me know my logic is correct - a second set of eyes doesnā€™t hurt.

Tile the project into 2 tiles tile a 12H x 23.5"L
tile b 12H x 12,75 L
set up 12 x 36 board on cnc
xyz 0 for tile a (bottom left corner)

carve tile aā€¦when finished returns to xyz 0

move x over23.25" (gives a .25" overlab from tile a to tile b)

zero xy

carve tile b

Does this sound right? Anyone?

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I think thatā€™ll do nice.

The word ā€œTilingā€ in CNC software specifies a specific operation. Why are you using that word to describe what you are doing?

What is the reason you are going through this on a ā€œsimple v-carve?ā€

i only have desktop vcarve not vcarve pro. desktop version only allows 25ā€™ x25ā€™ working area unless you tile it. my sign is 12 x 36" - so it has to be tiled to carve it in desktop version. I dont want to pay $350 to upgrade to pro for 1 sign. If I end up doing more larger signs I will invest in pro version.

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Got it. I completely forgot my days under the Desktop! :smiley:

I still donā€™t understand the ā€œ(in Reverse)ā€ stuff. Thatā€™s confusing. Arenā€™t you just Tiling your project?

From back when I only had Cut2D Desktop that sounds exactly right. I think itā€™s just the term Tiling is throwing people off. I used to think of it as ā€˜Section A and Section Bā€™ but it really doesnā€™t matter. The procedure works, to me that is what matters. You can just Zero the X and not Zero XY, as well. Thatā€™s one less variable that can be off 0.1mm. Depending on the project or even the spoiler board at the 23.25" mark I would have the CNC make a small tick mark. That gives you a small tick mark to rezero the X on.

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@engraver99 It seems that I have misunderstood what you are trying to do, Kevin, as I am at odds with all the other replies. Iā€™ve deleted my post so as not to confuse matters.

I am using the tiling function in desktop vcarve to create 2 tiles. The tileing process will be used WITHOUT moving the substrate since my machine is large enough to complete the project but my s/w is not - hence just moving the router head to the second tile which would be x=0 As Lewis mentioned, there is no need for a y or z zero since am only moving the router on the x axis to zero the 2nd tile. Not sure what you call it but said its ā€œtiling in reverseā€ since moving the machine router head and not the substrate if that makes sense.