Visualizer went blank during otherwise perfect job

During the second pass of a 7:31 run time file the Visualizer went blank as seen in pic. The machine continued to work perfectly as usual and finished the job with no other issues. I closed the file and opened another and a small frowny face appeared in the upper left corner of the Visualizer. A restaret of Gsender returned the visual part of the Visualizer back in view. Gsender 1.1.7 on Dell XPS15 9500 running WIN 11 . No previous display issues. The machine had just updated WINDOWS before I started job.

I THOUGHT I PUT THIS UNDER BUG BUT PUT IT IN QUESTION. Please move as required and forgive OMB (Old Man Brain)

I’ve had that happen and I waited till it finished and restated to program. You did the right thing. I think it happen twice on me. It may not do it again!

For the first time in just over a year the visualizer went blank during opertions. Again, everything went well and the same remedy restored the display. And then it went blank again very quickly after starting short run. Same machine and OS but Gsender is 1.2.2.