Welcome to the Sienci Labs Community User Group and Forum!

Welcome! This user group has been created so that our machine owners and other CNC router enthusiasts can post questions and answers in order to learn how to better use and enjoy their machines!

  • Connect with other users to share ideas
  • Display your coolest project successes or largest failures :wink:
  • Share any useful tools or resources that would benefit our other members
  • Show off your machine setup or modifications :sunglasses:

Looking for project inspiration? We recommend checking out the projects page in the LongMill resources: https://resources.sienci.com/view/lm-more-projects/

Answers to many common questions about our machines can be found on the resources page and the Machine Support category. Any other guidance or tips can be found through our Mill One and LongMill resources pages. If you need any further help, a member of our team will always be available to help either through this forum, through messaging the Sienci Labs Facebook page, or by sending an email to hi@sienci.com.

We want this forum to become our central hub for community interaction and learning and we look forward to seeing this community grow as we, at Sienci Labs, continue on our mission to deliver accessible CNC machines to the world.

Chris and Andy