What do you wish you'd known before getting started?

Hi everyone!

I’m brand-new here after finally deciding which CNC to purchase. After digging and digging, the Longmill MK 2 seems like the best choice for my first machine, but I have a few questions… I’ll keep looking around the forum, but wanted to post this in the hope that some of the questions I have will be fruitful to other new folks as well. Here goes!

  1. What advice did you wish you had been given before you started?
  2. What size table should I look for to mount the MK 2? I know rigidity is key, but not sure what dimensions are ideal.
  3. What software is a great starting point? I’ve used Lightburn for my laser and Adobe Suite for editing/creating, but have almost 0 experience with CAD/CAM.
  4. Dust collection is a must in my space. Are there any tips/tricks that I can implement early on to save on headaches later?

Thanks in advance for helping me out! Hopefully my questions aren’t too vague. Any and all advice is welcome! Thanks so much. :slight_smile:

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