Why Tool Divebomb To Z-Zero At Start?

I’ve created a fairly simple toolpath operation in fusion 360 to bore some holes. The bit should always travel above the surface of the stock right? But as soon as I click start the bit dives for z zero right into the damn part. That’s before the pause line I guess because then I get the pause dialogue. If I then select continue, it travels over to its’ first hole still at z zero.

I went back and checked that I’ve
-Set the correct origin wcs
-Defined clearance height in the tool operation

Kurt, can you post the gcode file?

Oh great idea, yes! This is just a spoilboard slat, I’m just getting set up and I want to be able to remake them identically every time. So again, as soon as I hit start, the tool goes to z zero, or very close to it. Rather than traveling over to the first bore.
Slat-2.nc (24.5 KB)

Thank you for taking a look

Actually, I just took a look myself. I think it may be this line in the code: G28 G91 Z0

Kurt, do you have a SafeZ height set? You mention “clearance height”, but I don’t see your bit moving above the machine bed until line 20 “Z1.35”.

At line 18 your file has “G54”. How do you Home your machine?

Where are you setting Z-zero? Machine bed or material surface?

It’s the G28.

You can configure your post processor to not insert them. Check the resources on setting up the Fusion 360 post processor: Post Processors - LongMill MK2


I think I’ve got it figured out. I changed the setting under “Safe retracts and home positioning”. That had previously been set to G28.

As for my z zero, it was set to the bottom of the stock.

So I guess this wasn’t the appropriate forum category to post this in. I had originally thought the problem might have been a setting in g sender.

Glad you got it figured out :+1: Closing this for now.