XY probing in Edge

I just installed edge 1.3.8. I had never installed 1.3.7. According to the release notes for 1.3.7

“Multi-corner probing - now use your Auto or Standard touchplate to set the workspace offset from any corner on your workpiece”

While I don’t see ever using the touchplate on other than the front left corner or the centre of my projects, I thought that I would test the new function. I didn’t see anywhere in 1.3.8 where there is an option to choose where I want XY0 to be set.

What am I missing? Am I misunderstanding that you mean by setting “the workspace offset”?


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Hey Grant Good question, I’ll move this post to the gSender category for others to see too.

You can see where to do this in the docs, with a cute little rotating button :smiley::

@chrismakesstuff OK, so now I’m embarrassed. :grinning:

Clearly, as I frequently advise, I should have read the docs. Tks, Chris.