I have an issue with the Y2 limit sensor on my Altmill, wondered if anybody could help?
I have all the limit switches plugged in correctly, and I am using a screwdriver to trigger them to test they are all working. All the switches work, other than Y2, which I cannot trigger.
If I plug the Y2 sensor into the Y1 port, then I can trigger it, so clearly the sensor is not faulty.
If I plug Y1 sensor into the Y2 port, then I cannot trigger the Y1 sensor.
Clearly the issue is not the sensor, but I also doubt its the SLB-EXT. Sienci provided me a replacement SLB-EXT to try and fix this issue amongst others, and I have had this identical issue on both SLB-EXT boards.
Are there any settings/config which could be causing this?
I have gone back into the manual and found a remark at the limit switch part of the slb manual. I have no idea if it is still valid or needs updating, but it might be that this is the source of your problem?
The latest post by Chris on auto squaring (needing the 2 y sensors) was Jan this year. It was an early beta version. He even released a -at your own risk- trial in the last post in this thread here:
Please note the pretty clear warning posted on using this u tested feature:
Thanks, so if I home the Y axis does it only need the left Y1 sensor?
Also, if you are correct, and it’s not required or enabled, it seems strange nobody else has found this issue and Sienci themselves haven’t pointed it out to me, but instead sent me a replacement SLB-EXT?
The altmill instructions even say to plug both in.
Further to this, this section of the altmill resource page specifically requires you to have both sensors, and states that as default the altmill is setup to have both Y sensors active.