Assign I/O ports from Arduino Uno for end stops and touchplate in gsender

Dear all,

I moved just recently from estlcam to gsender. I’m using an Arduino Uno with GRBL on it. Basic controls already work fine.
I struggle with end stops and my touchplate. Where can I assign the I/Os from the Arduino UNO / CNC shield inside gsender? Is this done in the console or is there a menu I did not come across yet.
I scanned almost all posts including Arduino but could not find an answer yet.
Any hints highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Here’s a UNO board diagram showing the pins to use for CNC. I have wired mine up as per this diagram and it works fine.
I have end stops/Limit switches on all my axes and a Z probe set up as well
uno wiring.pdf (133.9 KB)

In gSender go to “Firmware’ then go down to” 21 Hard Limits enable" and enable them. That’s all I needed to do.
In the gear icon, top right, go to “Probe” and set it up there.