does it work with the grbl_esp32 firmware because I can’t seem to get it to work on my end
GRBL_esp32 has grown into FluidNC which can be reviewed here
You can also review a past post of mine here
It works perfectly with grbl esp32 (but not with fluidnc for various reasons). All you have to do is send a reset signal to grblesp32. Look at the shortcuts in gsender and send it (mine is shift-5 I think)
Works fine in FluidNC
on connection with gsender, type $bye in the console. A soft reset will be performed.
gsender ver 1.1.3
FluidNC ver 3.5.1
Good to go
@Andy1 Are you running a Long Mill with the stock arduino uno - based controller?
Hi Grant
No, I have chosen to use Bart Dring’s 6pack controller and fluidNC which is 32bit (More io’s more capability) rather than 8 bit.
I’m happy to say that I’ve had a Sienci Longmill CNC with the Arduino Uno 8 bit Controller for some years now and will continue to do so along with my trials.
Late in 2021 beginning of 2022 I began experimenting. .I published some stuff in the “Want a Modification” section of the forum at that time.
In my experiment I simply replaced the Arduino with a more flexible ESP-32 microcontroller. I wanted to have a rotary axis, spindle etc etc. Additionally, I wanted to test this using my gsender.
As I stated I chose the 6 pack controller (which uses an espressif esp32 Wroom chip )and FluidNC. This microcontroller has wifi, bluetooth, tablet support, smart device, sd card support.
Anyway the long and the short of it is FluidNC supports grbl ( Home · gnea/grbl Wiki · GitHub)
All that was necessary was to swap out one controller for another controller, since FluidNC is backward compatible with previous versions of grbl. Sienci gsender functions correctly. with the 6pack controller and FluidNC.
In fact…fluidnc works if you don’t use homing, soft limits and laser. I use all 3…. So I modified gsender code to make it work (mostly)… but i ended up reinstalling grbl-esp32 and now it’s perfect.
$bye is a complete restart! You only need to send the reset command…
It did work! thank you.
I’ll definitely look it up