Eeprom grbl console

Is there a way to add to the Console Tab/Window a "delete/erase feature, much like what Candle has? When I change settings within GRBL, it’s confusing to see all the previous settings. I’m used to Candle’s blank screen when I put a new setting in. Thanks

@DMJ Welcome to the group.
I’ve moved your question to the gSender category assuming you are using gSender. If you are not, please let me know.
It’s a good question. I don’t know how to do it either. When I am playing with settings using Console, I enter a string of garbage, for example gggg, the hit enter. That gives an error. Then, when I make changes, I can scroll back to that line of garbage to confirm that the changes took.

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This should be an easy add for @KGN and the team. The code to clear the terminal is already there. They’d just need a button to send the command. I’d submit a pull request, but I’ve had a hell of a time with webpack dependencies and the like when I’ve tried to build gSender.

EDIT: Here’s the relevant code.

Maybe something like this added to the render():

    onClick={() => this.clear()}
        margin: '0px',
        height: '100%',
        border: 'none',
        borderRadius: '0px',
        borderLeft: '1px solid #9ca3af',
    <i className="fa fa-trash" />
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This is something we’ll look at as an Edge feature.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Building gSender