Gcontrol panel black screen

Just set up the gControl Panel Computer, flipped the switch and pressed the on button but nothing comes on the screen-its just black. There is power because the switch does light up and I hear a click when I press the button but nothing on the screen. Did resets, pressed and held start button down for 15 seconds to do a reset and checked connections-same thing…any ideas?

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Brightness turned up?

@Botanywood I’ve moved your question to a more appropriate category. You may want to open a support ticket with Sienci.

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my brightness must not be turned up because I don’t even see a way to do that from a black screen- there is an on toggle on/off switch and a power button, -that’s it-everything else is ports.

Did you get this resolved? I appear to be having the same issue. Cycled the power a few times but all I see is the display backlight… waited more than 5 minutes the 1st time in case it was doing some weird Windows thing and just not displaying yet.

So I hooked up an external monitor and can get it to boot to BIOS but there are no monitor related settings there. It appears to be either:

  1. issue with Windows (install or settings),
  2. issue with driver for the touchscreen, or
  3. connection to the touchscreen.

I’m sure there are other possibilities as well. Guess I’ll open a support ticket.

not there with a solution yet either

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I’m flashing Ubuntu to a flash drive right now to see if it will boot up with the touchscreen.

Since I can get the BIOS to load via an external monitor, I set it to boot to USB and booted Ubuntu. With Ubuntu I could utilize the computer on an external monitor but not get the touchscreen to respond or display.

So it could still be a driver issue but leaning towards hardware issue at this point.

Is there any update on this? I am tempted to order this display but not if there is a fundamental issue with it (with two people reporting the same issue)

Jury is still out-I was sent a second panel-same issue. They tell me that they think its a shipping issue because they worked when they left…not enough bubble wrap I guess, but not sure at this point. The panel and stand look ok (other than the fact that they don’t work when a UPS guy tosses them apparently) and I would not let this stop you from ordering. Its not happening to them all. I have little doubt that they will get this fixed-they have been trying to get this issue resolved for me in a timely manner to this point…but my wife tells me I am a patient person so there’s that :upside_down_face:

I’m fine with cracking it open if we think a ribbon cable or other connection came loose, but:

  1. that brings into question the sturdiness of this ‘industrial’ computer,
  2. Sienci has stressed multiple times that they don’t want us to open it.

The only reason #2 matters to me is if I need to warranty this thing, I don’t want there to be any question as to who/why something is broken. Nevermind the fact that I have 20+ years experience as a degreed electronics technician and have a home network that rivals most medium-sized companies.

I think I will hold off a bit until this is cleared up. IMHO there is no reason (especially on a ruggedized computer) that shipping would cause this issue. I can maybe maybe see it happening once but twice in such a short time frame is not sounding promising… actually THREE times because the replacement that Botanywood received was dead as well.
Please keep us posted on the situation!

I’m a little discouraged from the lack of response from Sienci at the moment. I submitted a ticket and I am at least 1 of 2 people (I suspect a few more)… It’s been posted about here and on the FB group as well.

I understand they are likely researching/reviewing but a little communication goes a long way. And yes, I understand it was the ‘early adopter’ as well but all the more reason to be out in-front of it as much as possible.

Yes, you would think that especially on the first batch they would be all over themselves correcting issues. Research is all well and good but it is simple courtesy to say ‘hey, we are sorry, we are researching things right now and will get back to you asap, hopefully within 2 business days’

It’s funny, I filed a ticket on Sunday (I believe) and on Monday, Remembrance day, I had a reply. Quicker than what I was expecting. Yet, we have not heard a peep on the monitors nor on what the holdup is on Altmill shipping . I am golden, I have my mill but it was only a day or two after mine was built that they stopped shipping and that was around three weeks ago. I am sure there are a LOT of people out there that would appreciate a quick situation report … just a few words … 5 minutes of somebodies time

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Hey Corey & Brian (@whitewolf, @Botanywood),

I see you are chatting with the support team now and wanted to offer a quick update on this issue for all.

  • We have had a couple reports of the black screen happening in the field, and have shipped replacements out
  • We have one expected to arrive back at the office today for further investigation on what is happening
  • We’ve bulked up our packaging already, and will address any further issues that we discover

Hope that helps, we are anxious to discover and fix this asap!

As always, support is just an email away at support@sienci.com.


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Thank you Stephen! I appreciate the acknowledgement and status update regarding this situation.
I’m sure we all sincerely hope this is easily remedied so we can start using and provide more of an operational review/feedback on the gControl.

As a side note, I would love to have the specs for the touchscreen and a pricing option for a unit that does not include Windows 11. I would like to further investigate a Linux option for this device.

Thank you Stephen !
and a few extra characters to meet minimum character requirement :frowning:

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@StephenCampbell Any chance for good news on the gControl leading into the weekend?

Yes- there is some good news… I delivered the 2nd controller that did not turn on back to Sienci today. It looks like the problem has been diagnosed. I am likely butchering the explanation so should likely let them explain exactly what the problem is but had something to do with 4 pins in the back pressing on the screen during shipping. If they press too hard-black screen, press a bit might turn on might not. Shake it like an etch-a-sketch and who knows what will happen. They cracked it open, lowered the little pins and gave it back to me-looks like that fixed it…I don’t have it talking to the board yet - likely just have to adjust some settings yet… but it powers on now!