gSender Edge - New U and a call for feedback

@all Hey folks,

While gSender Edge, our development version of the application, has been quiet for the last bit, we’d like to share some of the things we’ve been working on for the next release in that channel. Internally, we’re dubbing the next version “New U”, which will bring a new look and feel to the application as a whole.

The core of our next iteration of gSender Edge is a User Interface (UI) refresh with a few specific goals in mind. As gSender has evolved over the years, with new features and support for various new hardware extensions and firmwares, we’ve inevitably run into constraints within the current design - space, look and feel, and responsiveness. We’d like to spend the next Edge cycle addressing these constraints with a few other goals in mind.

Generally, our goals of this UI refresh include:

  • Maintaining gSender primary principles of simplistic unopinionated controls, substitute technical jargon for simple language, and only showing functionality that you need for your specific machine.
  • Better support for various screen sizes (from desktop down to phone) and more intuitive, usable touchscreen support.
  • More thought into use of space for existing features to not feel like an afterthought and create space for new features to slot in.
  • Lower technical debt on the front-end side of the application.

As we’re iterating through the design process, we’d like to ask the community at large about what pain points they have with the current UI design and usability. While we’ve obviously gathered and noted down previous mentions of UI issues,

When it comes to UI design, a pain point could be:

- Non-obvious use of a UI element: is there a part of the UI that you’re not sure the use of
- Inability to easily use or target a UI function: is a button hard to hit with mouse or finger
- Confusing processes or language : are there parts of the interface where the labels/explanatory text could be clearer?
- Information hierarchy: is there a functionality/information that should be more prominent/important in the current UI?
- Missing functionality : are we straight up missing a common feature that most people need?
- Problems at specific screen resolutions : Is something a problem at overly large or small screen resolutions and not present on others.

Any and all feedback on how the UI currently looks and works is valid - if it’s something you’ve been stuck on in the past, we’d love to hear about it so that we don’t run into any issues throughout this process.

In the near future, we’ll be sharing some of our process towards a new look and feel with the above goals and user feedback in mind asking for yet more feedback from the community at large, and hope to have a usable version available for testing soon after that.

As always, thank you to everyone for continuing to support gSender and it’s continued development, and we look forward to hearing from the community at large.


@all Anyone who can provide we’d really like your feedback to mould how gSender looks moving forward


I’m using gsender with a touch panel at 1080p resolution. It would be great if the jog buttons were larger or resizable, or at the least make the diagonal buttons with slightly larger screen real estate, they are the hardest to trigger.


Still looking forward to a more robust headless mode - where you don’t have to start a UI on the host computer (like a Raspberry Pi) and only use the UI from a remote computer - cncjs style. The additional features page indicates this still isn’t really possible, which is one of the big things stopping me from using gSender. Also still no real updates on the issue in GitHub for this.


I have been a bit confused about your tool change options. Some examples of what to expect would help get past the fear of ramming a bit into the spoil board.

I ended up using just the pause option and some macros I found online to check tool length on a bit setter. I still get errors some times and not sure why…


if your familiar with lightburn there is an option to jog the laser to a specific point on the workspace via click on the screen.
it would be nice to do similar in gsender, it would have to be for machines with homing enabled.


That would be very helpful!


I’m also using a touch screen, 1080p. My wishes/suggestions are as follows:

  • possibility to change the size the right window part ,
  • possibility to also change the size of positions labels and buttons. Many of the controls are very difficult to handle with a finger on a 16" touch screen.
  • possibility to enlagre the position lables.(to be able to read at little longer distance.
  • possibility to change colors of text foreground/background…
  • All these size changes should be stored in a “ini-file” on the computer,
  • editable settings for selection of which tabs/buttons/values should be viewable in normal use,

I think the “ZERO ALL” button should stand out more, maybe red?


be nice to be able to call it up from any computer like OctoPrint


I’d like some better logical separation of the Machine Home items from the Work Piece items.


The logic and dialog boxes to open a file are clear, but the small x to close the file is a little less clear.
Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 3.52.52 PM


On a 19" touchscreen ( VT229H|Monitors|ASUS Canada ),

  • The diagonal jog buttons are hard to hit
  • The touch controls to move the preview around (pan vs zoom) don’t seem to work
  • Not sure if this is specific to my monitor, but single tapping a job actually results in a double tap. Some debouncing might be nice? Eg for Z touchoff, set to fine, Z is at 0.1mm increments. Using a mouse, it will lower 0.1mm for a single click. On the touch screen, it will lower 0.2mm for a single click.

There is a very clear icon to lock the system. I wish the button would switch to a lock icon, allowing the user to lock the system without having to disconnect.

Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 3.51.12 PM


I only have one machine. Mousing over to the menu, then hit the specific spot to connect via USB is more complex than it needs to be. There is a dialog box in the firmware area that allows you to re-connect to last active port. Connecting to last active port should be the default and easy to hit connection method.


It would be great if you could add addition probing options, such as options for the (now much less expensive) 3D Touch probes, similar to this one:


I think the Diagnostics category of items would fit better under About menu or the Settings menu.

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I would like to see a much more accurate “time to run” counter. The current one is particularly bad when doing rotary projects. It can be out by hours.

I don’t use the GUI buttons much, but when I do, as often as not I confuse the “go to” button with the “set” button wrt to the axes.


Surface mapping would be great.


I’m pretty happy with what you have as a GUI. Why mine doesn’t size properly I don’t know but it works. If I click the windows screen button at the top right, the jog buttons fit, but I loose the bottom portion of the screen.
I think you should focus on the Tablet you mentioned previously, I’ve been wanting to get a touch screen but it would be great to get a dedicated tablet so that it’s always active and can behave as a stand alone controller combined with the SLB.

Bruce Hudson
Fallen Branch Woodcraft

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