Laserbeam not emitting signal to gender version 1.4.9 or light burn! HELP!

Hey everyone!! I’m a newbie and very puzzled! So I have a long mill and have added the laser beam laser. I was running version 1.4.7 of gender using light burn a my software for laser projects and things were working great! I bought a new computer and had to install gender and light burn on it. The version of gender I now have (version 1.4.9) I cannot get to emit the laser beam. It’s seems that it’s missing the input to tell the machine that there is a laser attached. So I tried to connect my laser beam direct from light burn and I get the same result! I can move the gantry in x, y and z but cannot get the laser to fire at all. A light turns on I the control box when I press the “fire” button in light burn but no laser! What the heck am I doing wrong?!!!

Hi Ash,

It feels like you eliminated that your software isn’t functioning and that the problem can be found in the wiring. Be it between the long board and the laser controller or some other connection on the laserboard that needs a little push 'n shoving.

You can check the wiring by putting on your savety goggles, turn on the laser in test modus at a low output and wiggle around the wiring a bit on the laser-controller. If you see the laser come on, even just once, you know it’s the wiring that needs some work.

Just make sure everything is nice and tight on the controllers, and connect your gender again. See what happens.

It wont autocorrect.

@Ash Welcome to the group, Ash. Before getting to far into this, please confirm that you are using the Super Long Board (SLB) and not the LongBoard on your CNC.

Thanks for the replies! I have the long mill 2 .5 30x30 with the laser beam attached. I have tried jiggled all wires, unplugged and plugged back in, checked all wires going to the connections and nothing. When I fire up my old computer and use g sender v 1.4.7 everything works perfectly. I can test the laser and it fires. It’ll run g codes perfectly.

I have noticed that In the old version of g sender there is a drop down box under spindle/ laser that I can select what spindle I have or a laser. I don’t see that on v 1.4.9.

I tried downloading the older version of g sender and when I did that drop down box was gone. My firmware matches exactly from my old computer to my new computer.

I have never tried until recently to connect via light burn, as my computer wasn’t new enough to run all the programs I have.

I can still run g codes with my old computer but I’m just puzzled why I can’t use my new computer to make the laser work.

@Ash If you want to start by uninstalling 1.4.9 on your new pc and re-installing 1.4.7, read this topic to see how to do that.

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Wow thank you. I’ll give this a go! I appreciate all the help.

I’d also refer you to KGN’s response here if you still haven’t got this sorted out: