List of Shipped Machines

Hello Chris,
My name is Stephen From Pa. Can you tell me when order #25767 will ship? Iā€™m hoping tomorrow being as it is #2 on the list now. I hope you can ship it before Labor Day weekend.


Well, I certainly canā€™t answer for Chris, but he said they were shooting for 30 a week. 18 went out today, so if your at #2, you should be out tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Like everyone else, I hope so

Stephen I spoke with Ikenna at around 3pm and found that they were only able to get 27 machines out this week: 9 on Wednesday and 18 yesterday. I decided to drop what I was working on and helped the team to get 4 more machines packed up and since weā€™d already missed the truck I drove them down to the shipping building in my car and delivered them personally.

I think one of those 4 boxes was yours - if so then I hope this news puts you in an excited mood and you can go out and enjoy your labour day weekend! I will certainly be going out and enjoying mine :slightly_smiling_face:

Cheers! :v:


Thank you ever so much Chris for going over and above to get my order shipped today. That means so much that you did that. Yes, I am excited and can not wait to receive it. Have a awesome Holiday weekend and have a drink for me.

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Okay; I should stop reading the thread. I pushed the purchase button on Monday. How often does the shipping cue get updated? I was not all that excited or more likely figured I could be patient. Just figured I could just wait quietly for my machine to show up. After seeing all these posts, Iā€™ve gotten interested is seeing where I am in the production que. When does that information come out?

What I did not realize was the price fluctuates based on currency exchange rate. Today I looked at the price and my order would have been $10 less than Mondayā€™s price. I might of treated this like a stock purchase; looked for a down market day.


The first post in this thread gets updated as they work through the backlog of orders. Click the name of this thread, ā€œList of Shipped Machinesā€ at the top and it should bring you to the original post. Cross reference your order number to see where you are on the queue.

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Woohoo, Mine hit Detroit around Lunchtime today. Got the email from UPS shortly after for the Import fees. Itā€™s $72.35 to North Carolina :slight_smile:

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Very much appreciate the help. I saw the numbers but had not realized they were being updated regularly. Now the wait begins. I made the list.

Be extra nice to #26460!

Congratulations on pulling together a manufacturing company in Canada, and on doing the not-so-obvious improvements with your innovations.

I was a tool & die maker 20 years ago (manual equipment only :slight_smile: ) and now Iā€™m the resident lean manufacturing/productivity improvement/quality management guy at another Canadian manufacturer in Montreal, where Iā€™ve been for 13 years and seen growth from $6M to $85M. We also buy laser cut parts, stamped parts, aluminum extrusion, componentry etc and assemble it into products.

Once my LongMill is ready, Iā€™d like to offer to drive up to Waterloo and give you a few hours of an experienced sounding board. Full disclosure, I do consult on the side - but Iā€™m not looking for a new customer. Just really glad to see some young people getting into Made-In-Canada, and Iā€™ve been through the will-the-sales-explosion-make-or-break-us cycle more than a few times! Happy to jump on a Zoom call too, any time.

Congrats again and keep it up.



No machines being shipped today 9/10?

We found some parts were short to get the machines shipped out today, weā€™ll be getting them shipped out tomorrow instead :+1:

Donā€™t skip the details! I like to see what the top 10-15 machines are doing. Packing, shipping, waitingā€¦ect.


When do you think #25681 will be shipped out?

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Hey all :wave:
Very hectic week we had but Iā€™m very happy with the progress we managed to accomplish. In total we wound up getting I think 27 machines out the door this week plus we have an additional 13 that finished packing after the truck came on Friday so theyā€™ll be shipping out first-thing Monday morning!

I hope most of you that were waiting for your machine to ship this week received your long awaited shipping confirmation email :slightly_smiling_face:


Steve thatā€™s a really neat and generous offer! Iā€™d love to take you up on it for sure :smile:
I noticed you sent me a PM so Iā€™ll continue speaking through there :+1:

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Yep! Hope i will get mine this weekšŸ˜œ

My number isnā€™t even on the listā€¦ :frowning: (Order #26544)

I wonder if the other cnc makers get constantly bugged about when theyā€™re going to ship peopleā€™s machine even though all have a LEAD time on their site.

thatā€™s the price you pay for engagementā€¦ but it sure makes me like this company

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