I have a Longmill MK2 that I have upgraded to the SLB and Sienci Spindle. Everything has worked fine since the upgrade with the exception of probing. When I initiate the probe sequence, it touches the touchplate (regular touchplate not auto-zero), fast and then slow as it always did…then it stops right there and gives an “Error 2: Bad number format” and won’t proceed any further. Is there somethign additional I need to do in the firmware after the SLB upgrade? Everything worked fine with the LB. Any suggestion on what I need to do to rectify? thank you!!
Hi Cranky,
The only solution I have seen on this forum was posted in this topic.
Maybe you can reproduce?
Thanks @Spamming_Eddie . In his situation, he was getting some weird motor humming etc. My only issue is when probing. I can run jobs and everything else seems to work fine. I do have inductive sensors and I did have some issues with “soft limits” when I installed the SLB, so I just turned them off. Other than that, I don’t have any indication that there is a hardware issue. I should have mentioned that I installed the SLB a few months ago, but the spindle is relatively new. I don’t believe I have tried to probe since installing the SLB though.
I don’t have an slb and the section on probing isn’t much help either. I’ve stopped using my probe, other than measuring hight differences on one off stocks as a precaution to not run a mill into it. Never had a problem with probing apart from bad wires. So I can’t be off help beyond stating that error2 is mucho weird and the explanation isnt of much help either.
Anyhoo here’s a descryption of the settings in slb. Might be usefull, might be not…
Thanks again @Spamming_Eddie . I didn’t really see much in the explanation that referred to the probe. I did a search in the firmware and found a couple of entries relating to the probe, but nothing that seemed relevant. Like I said, I installed the SLB several months ago, but am just now realizing I’ve got a probe issue. Much like you, I typically don’t use it, but I came across a situation where I had milled off my XY=0 and couldn’t get back to it exactly and the probe would have come in handy for finding the intersection. If I can’t get it sorted, it’s not the end of the world. It’s more about having a feature available that isn’t working that’s bugging me more than anything. In any case, thank you very much for trying to help.
@Spamming_Eddie I think I figured out my issue. When I started having probing issues a couple days ago, I went to the documentation where it stated that if I was using a Sienci touchplate, that when selecting the touchplate, all pertinent info was entered automatically. So I didn’t really check any settings other than making sure probing was enabled. Where the two highlighted areas were blank. I just put some numbers in there and now the probe works without issue. However, I don’t know specifically what those numbers represent. Are they specific to the touchplate, my material etc? I need to sort out what they should actually be and I can’t find that info. Any help from anyone would be appreciated. Thank you!
I’ll be firing up my machine shortly and convey my settings to you as soon as I have them.
I think they are dimensions of the plate.
Just found out the settings in the gsender at the machine are gone too. Settings at the remote station are still there, so these might be them. I run gsender 1.2.2 so my settings page might look a bit different. For some reason I have actual length and with, but I guess these don’t matter much in the measuring cycle.
@CrankyCowboy In addition to @Spamming_Eddie screencap, you can look on the gSender documentation. Here is the relevant page
Thank you @gwilki and @Spamming_Eddie
Grant, I actually looked at that document (I converted the millimeters to inches and that’s where I got my numbers from). But the document doesn’t really reference those numbers specifically and what they are for and what to set them to so I wasn’t sure. Thanks again Eddie, I really appreciate all the time you spent trying to help me and how thorough you were with providing info. Grant, you can close this issue. Thank you very much guys.