Tally of Shipped Machines

@chrismakesstuff just parsing what you said there, going to take a stab at rephrasing it to make sure I got itā€¦

The first post (currently) says you are at backer #247. Web orders (like mine :)) start at 304. However, the first web order (#304 in the first post) is NOT 57 units away from 304 shipping (304-247=57). Instead, we canā€™t quite divine the actual number of units required to ship between backer 247 and back 341, with back 341 representing the end of the backers. And the reason we canā€™t is that there may or may not be (341-247=94) 94 units between them as some backers canceled and there may be parts orders wedged in between full system orders.

Given all this, the most conservative distance would still be 94 units required if every order between the 247 current and 341 last backer must be fulfilled before web order #304 (from the list in post one, not the invoice #) is fulfilled.

Did I get that right?

Assuming so, if you pile on another 53 this week (fingers crossed its a bit more) that takes you to 300 or max 341 backer machines. Next week would take you to ~completion of those, perhaps even better if all #'s arenā€™t full machines. And perhaps a few of the early web orders will make it. Am I in the right general area?


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Yes youā€™re correct Jeff. One thing that I can clarify is that even though itā€™s not clear on your end how many machines are left to ship between #247 and #341, I can say that that amount is about 75. Since we are on track to ship 75 more units this week, this would mean that we should be completed the Kickstarter orders by the end of this week (with maybe the stragglers heading out at the start of next week). This should allow use to have at least the first 30 website orders ready and shipped by the end of next week :+1:


Great, thank you.

If the logistics gods are smiling on you and it was possible to get, oh, I donā€™t know, 50 of the web orders out, do you have all the materials on hand? :slight_smile:


Yes all the materials should be on hand, itā€™s all a matter of what ends up being feasible to do :+1:

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Hats off to you and your team for getting all the machines out that you already have. Your execution has been impressive to watch and more than I anticipated! Itā€™s a tough job. People think shipping larger items like this is simple, but itā€™s a lot of work.


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I changed the numbering so that itā€™s a little more clear what position youā€™re in once the Kickstarter orders are fulfilled. My revised original post should make more sense as to how the shipping will be carried out

Thanks for your words @jwoody18!

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whats is the last backer number you ship ? im backer # 325 and wanna know a date for my furtur cnc :roll_eyes:

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Looks like they should have yours sent out alreadyā€¦ just what I can tell off Facebook.

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Yup! @hugo I also updated my original post :+1:

@chrismakesstuff and @andy it bears saying one last time - congratulations on a substantial achievement.

Increasingly, there are nightmare stories on Kickstarter etc. of large amounts of money raised, promises made, deadlines missed, promises broken and companies failing. That isnā€™t just a Kickstarter issue either - business is hard. Period. Tech manufacturing one of the hardest and riskiest.

The consistency, transparency and thoroughness of your execution is an exceptional and welcome breath of fresh air. I am so pleased you are have having a party to celebrate. Never forget to stop and celebrate your accomplishments - it gets harder to stop when things speed up!

Take lots of photos and make notes for your company scrapbook. I have no doubt youā€™ll blink and be a much larger firm and wonder how you go there. Itā€™s always nice to be able to go back and reminisce.

Well done to you and your team.



better yet do a wide shot of it and stream it live in the facebook group so everyone can chime in and enjoy the jokes and good times with you guys. Even from far away.


Thank you Jeff for your comments and words of wisdom. Weā€™ll certainly be taking time to celebrate our accomplishments this year, thereā€™s been so much growth, learning, and hard work done by the whole team here, and I couldnā€™t be more proud of the final result weā€™ve produced. We work hard because of our passion for what we do and ultimately our goal is to share that passion with all of you guys through the work that we do. We feel just as lucky to have people like you who have found us and helped to start building up a community of sharing and encouragement. 2019 has been wild, it makes me really excited for the potential that the new year may hold :partying_face:

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Will you be updating the currently shipped order number for preorders like you did for kickstarter orders?

Thatā€™s the plan. Weā€™re doing the prep work for more machines Monday and Tuesday and should start to have more machines going out the door by Wednesday.

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Cool! Remember, all the cool kids start counting at 18ā€¦

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Any shipping updates for us lowly non-kickstarter minions?

Hahaha, a rough week for sure @Lumpy. Weā€™re starting to really feel the effects of weeks of non-stop fulfillment. That being said, weā€™re putting together one final push: weā€™ve got the first 25 web orders packed right now, and are in the process of packing another 25 today. Theyā€™ll all be going out the door by tomorrow

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Woot woot! Sounds like I might just squeak in at position 50 and ship tomorrow? :slight_smile:


Sweet! Thanks for all your (and teams) hard work.

I wanted to Kiickstart but sadly Iā€™ve been bitten too many times that I no longer support that platform.

Looks like Iā€™ll be in batch #2 shipping tomorrow and I look forward to gettiing my unit.

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Just updated the original post now to indicate which machines got shipped today, which are packed and ready to ship tomorrow, and which are ready for local pickup.

Iā€™m very happy with the hustle of our team to meet this goal, itā€™s been no easy feat.

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