Good to hear the first issue is gone. Sorry to hear it was only a stepping stone to the next. Oh well, lets see what can be found on grinding axis and what to do about them.
Here’s info on slb movement and cutting speeds:
And here some info on calibration inside gsender you might find interesting:
Hi Eddie, just an update. After running the calibration, specifically movement tuning. That did show the x-axis was out so changed to from 100mm to 800mm. I then attempted to run an outline which resulted in the same issues as before. So ran a diagnostic which showed a lot of interesting stuff in red but right now is all Greek to me. Will start reading the gSender manual next to try to translate all the messages into a single how to fix the problem message. At a guess I figure that all these messages show a domino effect. By the way should I be opening a new topic for this problem, maybe in another sub-category.
Sorry Eddie, not used to asking for help . Was just not sure if this new problem I’m trying to address still belongs in this category and that it was just an after-thought to my update. The problem is when I’ve centered my project for a run, just before I start I always do an outline run just to make sure its reasonable. Well the problem with the zeroing out came up at the same time. So in point form
I center my project
Check the gcode
check the outline
it starts out well moving to the left on the x-axis
it goes back a bit on the y-axis
then it starts to move back and up on the xy-axis
it starts grinding
gSender reports that movement is proceeding as per the program
the router bit starts losing ground
the run then proceeds left on the x-axis, still grinding
when I stop the run the enter point has shifted to the right because the router had lost positioning
the first error comes out as “G-code words words consist of a letter and a value. Letter is not found.” several times
the second error comes out as “hard limit has been triggered. machine position is likely lost due to sudden hold. Re-homing is highly recommended.” and that comes out several times
then “EStop asserted, clear and reset”
then “homing fail. the active homing cycle was reset”
then “homing fail. pull off travel failed to
clear limit switch. try increasing the pull-off setting or check wiring.”
after all that the errors recycle
and that friend Eddie is the definition of the problem. now I would like to continue with your help as it has been excellent but I expect there are different people specializing in the various area because you knew exactly what was most likely to help with my other problem.
to tell you the truth this is the first time I have used this form of help and so I guess I have mess up a couple of times on process and have asked questions in an incomplete fashion. it will get better.
@Petamain As you can see, Chris, I’ve created a new topic and moved it to the “something’s up” category.
As an aside, there are no hard and fast rules here around asking for help. That is what this place is for. You can’t “mess up”. If I see that your question may get more interest in a category different from where you first put it, I’ll move it there. No harm. No foul.
I hope that either someone here or Sienci tech can resolve your issues.
No need for sorrys, I am sorry I came across blunt, English is not my native language and on top of that, I’m Dutch, known to be a bit wnat’s the word… oh yeah… blunt. We wear wooden shoes, what can I say.
Anyhow, a binding axis is problematic, but at least it’s prolly not caused by some mysterious electronic problem. Binding mostly is caused by mechanical deviations that results in the machine no longer able to keep up with the acceleration and/or speeds set in the controller.
Since the outline is done on high speed settings, it has a higher probability to manifest during these steps.
Maybe you can even check if you can replicate the problem by jogging around long distances to see if you can replicate the binding on high speed, vs normal speed.
If you can, you maybe be able to notice paterns. Maybe the binding is on a certain spot, or more on one side of the machine.
Points of interest are the binding axis. Anti backlash nut, v-wheels tightness, and lubrication.
The maintenance guide will mostly get you to these points. It might be a good idea to check if your binding problem is changing after each step. I would, cause, you know, something with being lazy.
If these steps don’t work, you can look into changing speeds and acceleration to see if you can get it to not binding anymore. The SLB has higher speed and accelerate settings. Maybe if you reduce these settings to what they where when you ran the longboard, you are in the clear again.
Sorry for not responding to your question relating to relabeling of this issue but I have been spending my time hunting up possible issues with my assembling of my CNC that could be the source of my problem. This problem is a continuation of the first problem but maybe my title could be better reworded. As moderator I don’t know if you are interested in the details per say but it may help define the slot you want to move this mess to. By the way is there a way to do attachments to my cry for help? I have run the diagnostics program and felt it may help to include the results. I don’t see a way to include attachments other than in the message body itself.
If you wish more substance sent directly to you let me know as I have a ton of it. If not I will wait to hear from you on where the correct location will be to continue my discussion.
@Petamain No worries.
I’ve already moved the posts on this issue away from your original topic - zeroing my router not working. I believe they are fine here.
As far as attaching files, the 7th icon from the left in the message window - the icon that is an upward arrow - will open a file upload window.
There is no reason to send me more information directly. I suggest that you open a support ticket with Sienci for your binding issue, assuming that the links that @Spamming_Eddie provided did not resolve it.
About 2 months ago after several successful cnc runs I decided to add sensor kit to my 30x30 machine. Following installation my machine’s X- axis began to grind and losing the home co-ordinates. When jogging there was no grinding when moving in any direction. At first I thought the issue was with the changes I made to the machines firmware parameters but could not see any changes that did not conform with the directions provided via videos. After backing out of all the changes made the grinding issue continued. On advise provided by people on the community blog I began inspecting the assembly. While I did find issues that needed correcting (wheels needed tightening and some of the bolts were not the correct type) the grinding issues continued. It should be noted that in spite of all my efforts the X-axis remained loose. I could move the router assembly up and down about 1/64 to 1/32 inch. I don’t know just how much play one should expect or how to tighten things any more than I have by adjusting the eccentric nuts.
So as I see it the problem is either hardware (how do I tighten the router assembly more?) or software (the changes I made to the firmware).
I’ve run the diagnostic program and attached the resulting files to this message so that there maybe someone out there that is more conversant with g-code that I am and willing to invest time to check how I errored in modifying the firmware to accept the sensors. If I missed any information related to the description to my problem let me know and I attempt to include it in response.
@Petamain I’ve moved your new topic to the previous existing one. The issue in your new topic is a continuation of what you have already written. Feel free to add any new information, but please do not create a new topic when you do so.
As I said previously, if the advice that @Spamming_Eddie provided did not solve your issue - and it apparently did not - you would be well advised to open a support ticket with Sienci.