SLB Issues: Endstop Buttons, Homing, and X-Axis stalling


I just set up the SLB last night on my MK2 48x30 and am loving the speed improvements, form factor and mounting options, as well as the E-Stop shutting off more things (such as spindles).

Unfortunately, I’m running into a few issues that I hope someone might have an answer for. I ran through the Upgrade steps and plan on reading through the full documentation tonight, but figured I’d get these out there sooner rather than later:

  • Endstop buttons (link)
    • Using gSender 1.4.6, when I click on one of the corner buttons I get the following error: Unable to calculate position movements based on inputs - check arguments passed

The other two issues look to be covered already:

  • Homing causes a disconnect (topic)

    • I’ll try some of the posted suggestions tonight
  • X-Axis motor stalling (topic)

    • I had this issue previously when the Longboard did rapid movements away from Home (not user controlled jogging). I chalked it up to the anti-backlash nuts, and after numerous tweaks I ended up greasing the leadscrew to solve the issue. I’m guessing the SLB default settings are really pushing the limits of my setup. I had ordered the new spring-loaded anti-backlash nuts in February in preparation of disassembling and re-calibrating everything, but I may just have to slow speeds down until they come in.

I’ll update as I make progress.



X movement issues for me too. Old nut it is dragging. New nut installed is dragging too. Gantry disconnect and moves smoothly but when attempting Gsender X is dragging with no gantry installed. Disconnected X screw from motor and with Gsender is moving smoothly. Move screw by hand and is smooth. Reconnect the screw to the motor and by hand is smooth, hit Gsender and it drags with no gantry. Don’t know what else to do???

Installed my super longboard last night and am having the same issues. Homing an issue on the y-axis, slowed the fast seek down from 5000 to 4000 and that seemed to work. X-axis stalls are a more persistent issue, worked on that most of the day today, again tomorrow it seems. The 48 inch expansion seems to push the longmill up to its limits? I have the spring-loaded backlash nut and went back to the original nut as there is much more friction with it over the original one.

I still have zero idea what the errors on the Endstop buttons mean, but here are my updates on the other two (full comments are in the linked topics):

  • Homing

    • I set Firmware $26 to 250ms, and homing Z first, Y second, and then X third. So far, no disconnects.
  • X-Axis motor stalling

    • I set firmware $110 and $111 (X and Y Max rate) to 5000 mm/min (down from 5500). No stalls yet.

For this, you can disable the A-axis on $23 until we fix how we look at masked values in the next version.

Thanks for the info JdotPo. That fixed my x-axis stalls that I was fighting for hours yesterday.

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Thanks Kevin! That did the trick for the Endstop buttons.

Once my parts come in, I’ll do an overhaul and report back if I’m able to hit top speeds with everything. I’ll also keep an eye on the Homing topic in case there are any new developments.

I appreciate the help and love the level of support here!

I spoke too soon regarding the stalls. It’s not consistent, but when running some jobs tonight the X-axis would bind from takeoff. I’ve tried running at 4500 and 4000 mm/min and still experienced the issue, so I may try bumping speeds back up and bring down the acceleration instead. I’ll also try setting zero a foot out or so and see if it’s just the start of the axis.

I’m still of the opinion that it’s my setup that needs tweaking, but might as well get some testing in while I wait.

If your setup is that sensitive, it might be worthwhile to fully go back to typical LongMill defaults for speed and accelerations. But you can always continue working from there

We’re currently working to tally up the ratio of people having issues with the increased movement speeds and homing speeds to those not having problems to see if we might want to consider changing the defaults. So far the ratios are fairly low so we might just have to recommend in the resources to lower acceleration/velocity for some setups as well as tweak homing speeds to prevent disconnecting for those affected. If the ratio is high enough we might reduce the defaults and instead give recommendations for some people to speed their machines up if their setups can handle it. We’ll have enough info in another week or two to make a decision. The test machine I use next to my desk I was able to get up to 7500mm/min before it would finally stall so 5500 seemed doable for most setups and so far it seems to be doing well as far as I can tell minus a handful. If you keep testing definitely let us know Jon!

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Thanks Chris! I just finished some more g0 testing and while starting further away from home didn’t help, lowering the acceleration to 750 seemed to make a difference even with bumping the speeds back to 5000. I’ll run some actual cutting job tests tomorrow with :crossed_fingers:

7500? I’m really hoping I can get there with some tweaks!

Hey @JdotPo,

I too have been playing with the homing speed values. Check out this thread to see what values worked best with my MK1 12x30 and the SLB.


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I haven’t had any stalling problems on my MK2 30x30. But I do get disconnected everytime it homes. Also if I halt a program it hangs the SLB. No errors are captured but the only button that works is the Homing button. Afterwards a message ate the bottom of the screen say system wasn’t idle. It doesn’t recorded this in the settings safety section.

@Stangard - The halting problem sounds similar to my E-Stop issue. Check out this topic.

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